Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Utah Sports Radio Change-Up

For 11 years, 1320 KFAN and 1280 The Zone have been the in-state rival radio stations, with ESPN 700 eventually sneaking in as a third option.  That's pretty much been it.  Now The Larry H. Miller Group has purchased 1280, and the Jazz games will no longer be on 1320.

I started listening to sports radio in the 1990's, when I didn't care for music as much, and the political shows were getting repetitive.  I loved listening to Mark Armstrong and Tom Nissalke in the afternoons, and I enjoyed David James and Ron Boone and Gordon Monson in the mornings.

Around 2001, 1320 got cheap and most of the talent jumped to 1280.  Craig Bolerjack, Patrick Kinahan, Ian Furness, Dave Fox, Alema Harrington, Barry King, James and Monson all joined, and I remember Eric Ray and Scott Garrard on there, Ryan Hatch...  1320 became a skeleton crew.  Jeff Rickard & Alan Handy in the morning was awful. Chris Tunis was on there somewhere, and Steve Brown wound up as a major guy there, and Keith Embray showed up sometimes.  The Ian Fitzsimmons-Jim Fuchuck experiment was one I enjoyed, but the ratings didn't follow.  1320 then got serious and brought DJ & PK over, hired Bolerjack to be the TV man for Utah Jazz games, Alema was on mid-days, David Locke came on, and so on.  The talent seemed to sap from 1280.  Furness left, Hatch left, Fox left, Garrard left, (King I think was fired, not sure on that one). So 1320 hulked up and 1280 shrank, and 700 crept up with Bill Riley and their ESPN line-up.

Last Week's Schedule:
6-10 DJ & PK
10-1 Jim Rome
1-3 Ben Bagley & Tony Parks
3-6 Spence Checketts & Scott Garrard

1280 / 97.5
6-10 Hans Olsen & Sean O'Connell
10-2 Jan Jorgensen & Kyle Gunther
2-6 Gordon Monson & Jake Scott

5-8 Mike & Mike
8-11 Colin Cowherd
11-2 Dan Patrick
2-6 Bill Riley

I think that's what they were.  I don't really listen to the radio much beyond driving to and from places, but it takes me about 35 minutes to get to work, so I would usually listen to DJ & PK, but I'd go to Hans & OC if I liked their topic better.  I liked Colin best on Mondays after NFL Sunday.

If I went out for lunch, I'd go to Jan & Kyle first, but then I'd see if I liked what Rome or DP was talking about.  Or maybe I'd see what Rush Limbaugh was ranting about.  Depended on my mood.

Driving home, the afternoon show was best when it was David Locke.  Loved him as a radio host, and all the stat-geeky glory he brought.  Scotty G's fine, but if Locke was out, I'd see what Bill & Spence were talking about on 700 (before Spence jumped to 1320), or I'd see if Jake Scott was on.  Usually can't stand Monson, as he tends to argue for argument's sake, but Jake and a guest host was great.

Here's my understanding of the new landscape:

Becoming who-knows-what on May 31.

6-10 DJ & PK
10-1 Jim Rome / (97.5 Tony Parks & Jake Scott)
1-3 Jake Scott & Scotty G
3-6 Spence Checketts & Gordon Monson

Same, except Hans Olsen is joining Bill Riley

I like Spence, but I'm not thrilled Monson's back on a Jazz flagship station. I just don't enjoy listening to his takes, despite all his experience. I don't foresee making them my #1 listening option on the drive back home. I'm more likely to listen to Bill & Hans first (unless they're talking soccer.)  What else is on AM radio then?  Dennis Miller, Mark Levin, Rod Arquette... uh yeah.  On 1280 I'm much more likely to listen to Spence & Locke, Spence & Boler, Spence & Tony, Spence & Bags, Spence & Gordy Chiesa, Spence & Thurl Bailey, Spence & Ron Boone, Spence & An Overturned Mop with a Bucket for a Head.

I love the idea of Tony & Jake together as a local mid-day option.

I do hope we keep hearing from reporters like Brian T. Smith and Jody Gennessy and Rick Aaron on the air.  Somewhere.

And I hope one of the stations picks up the banner for Showdown Fights.  I've been to two of their events, and it's made for great MMA action, with Hans as emcee, and Jan and OC as fighters.


"Chub Daddy" said...

Thank GOD 1320 has now picked up KFG & KG and will be bringing OC back on shortly.

Finally we not only have decent, but great local sports radio back in this market.

The LHM Mafia destroyed 1280 and I love Hans but can't stay awake listening to Riley. Hans also does not seem to have the creative freedom he had on the REAL Zone.

There's not a single show on 1280 now that I would piss on to put a fire out.

I'll miss Red & Blue, but KG2 is pretty awesome already. Hope Hans eventually jumps to 1320 so his tongue can be loosed again.

KFG was #1 in the Brad Rock poll and won the Utah Sports Radio King Challonge not too long afterward as well. Hans and OC were both in the top 5 in both contests and LHM dumps these guys in favor of the bottom finishers? They claimed ratings, but as soon as the Jazz season was over what we all suspected happened: the NEW 1280 ratings tanked far below the old 1280 ratings and below 700 as well, proving that the Jazz (and not the talent) were the draw. LHM could have had it all and blew it. Check the ratings this time next year (when the Jazz are not playing) an I'll bet 1320 mops the floor with them when its radio talent vs radio talent... Assuming 1320 doesn't do something stupid like dumping KFG, KG and OC.

"Chub Daddy" said...
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